We are working towards achieving our Young Person Friendly Accreditation
This means we want to offer clear help and advice on how young people aged 13 – 21 years old can access our services.
We hope you find this information useful
Will my information be kept confidential?
Yes, Those who access your medical records have received training and understand the need for confidentiality. If there is any concern for you or your health it may be discussed with other professionals but this would be discussed with you first.
Can I see a doctor or nurse without my parents?
Yes, when you see a doctor or nurse you will have a discussion to make sure you have understood any information, treatment or medication you have been given. This is called having capacity.
Can I bring my friend too?
Yes, this can sometimes be helpful as they may be able to remind you what was discussed.
What do I tell the receptionist?
You don’t have to tell the receptionist anything if you don’t want to. You can just ask for an appointment and this will be arranged. If you wanted some advice on who to see they are happy to assist you.
How soon will I be seen?
This depends on how urgent your need is. For instance if you want to discuss emergency contraception you should be seen as soon as possible the same day. If you did not need to be seen urgently or you wanted to wait to see a particular doctor or nurse this may take a little longer.
I have a disability, what support can you give me?
We have a wheelchair friendly practice with easy access to toilets. We have a hearing loop induction for those who may be hard of hearing. We can provide leaflets in large print and guide you to our website to access information in different formats. If you need a helping hand getting round the practice during your appointment we will be happy to assist you.
What if I don’t speak English very well?
Not a problem, we have access to language interpreters.
Our doctors and practice nurses see people for many different reasons. If you need any help or advice about using our services you can speak to our receptionists who will be happy to assist you.