Non-NHS services

The NHS does not pay for some of the services we provide. These include private sick notes, insurance forms, holiday cancellation forms, medical reports, fitness to travel certificates, private prescriptions, passport signing and some vaccination services. Our fees for these services are displayed in the surgery.

Minor Surgery

Performed under local anaesthetic as arranged by your doctor.

Time: Contact reception for details.

Antenatal Care

Clinics are held in conjunction with the midwife.

Time: Contact reception for details.

Holiday Vaccinations

Please speak to the Practice Nurse for advice concerning vaccinations needed for travelling abroad

Time: N/A

Respiratory Clinic

Time: By invitation only


Regular check-ups and advice from practice nurses on lifestyle, inhaler techniques and medication.

Time: Held weekly, contact reception for an appointment


We run a flu jab clinic in late October. Ask at reception for further information.

Diabetic Clinic

Time: Held weekly by invitation

Child Health Vaccinations

We recommend full immunisation for all pre-school children.  Development and health checks are given by health visitors and doctors.

Time: Clinic is held on a Wednesday morning, contact reception for an appointment

Coronary Heart Disease Clinics

For patients with this condition.

Time: Held weekly by invitation